In June 2018, millionaire real estate mogul Bob Ward, 65, shot and killed his wife Diane, 54, in the master bedroom of the couple’s ritzy home in Isleworth, Florida. For some time, Bob’s company had been suffering financial losses due to the collapse of the real estate market, and the couple’s cars had been repossessed. They had to sell their home in Altanta, where Diane had friends and was happy, and move to Florida full-time. Bob Ward claims the shooting was a tragic accident. He said his wife had been severely depressed. He said she had a gun, and when he tried to get it away from her, it went off, shooting her in the head. He told the 911 operator that Diane’s death was an accident.
Other members of the family agreed that Diane was depressed, erratic and suicidal, and she drank at least a bottle of red wine every day. Her sister Paula testified that Bob could stay at her home if he was released, and she would even put up her house as collateral for his bond, as he is now broke. Here, Diane Ward’s best friend Christina Steinhaus testifies that Diane was unstable, in a highly volatile mental and emotional state, and thinking and acting in an erratic and life-threatening manner.
The jury opted found him guilty of manslaughter with a firearm, and he was sentenced to 30 years in prison.