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Episode 139: Eichmann Trial Testimony

This episode contains testimony from Auschwitz survivor Vera Alexander during the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Israel in 1961. Alexander begins by giving an account of her arrest and deportation to Auschwitz as well as her arrival at the camp and the block to which she was assigned. The judge questions her about her work detail at Auschwitz and Alexander explains how she used her position to help other prisoners and describes her placement in the hospital block when she fell ill. She describes Dr. Mengele’s experimentation on twins as well as the arrival of Hungarian Jews and the orders she received not to tell them about their fate. She also describes an incident in which a woman with a child came into her block and when the child was taken away the woman committed suicide by electrocuting herself on the electrified barbed wire fence.

Listen to the episode here.

Forensic Transmissions
Forensic Transmissions
Episode 139: Eichmann Trial Testimony